Somogear PEQ 15

The Somogear PEQ-15 is a replica of the AN/PEQ-15, a device used by the US military to aim weapons at night. It has a visible laser, an infrared laser, and an infrared illuminator. The visible laser is used to aim the weapon in daylight, and the infrared laser and illuminator are used to aim the weapon at night. The infrared laser is invisible to the naked eye, but it can be seen by night vision goggles. The infrared illuminator provides a bright light that helps the infrared laser to be seen by night vision goggles.

The Somogear PEQ-15 is made of high-quality materials and is built to last. It is also very easy to use. To use the visible laser, simply turn the dial on the front of the unit to the "VIS" setting. To use the infrared laser, turn the dial to the "IR" setting. To use the infrared illuminator, turn the dial to the "ILLUM" setting.

The Somogear PEQ-15 is a great choice for airsoft players and other enthusiasts who want a high-quality and durable aiming device.

"Potted" means that the electronics inside the Somogear PEQ-15 are encased in a protective resin. This helps to protect the electronics from moisture and other environmental factors. It also helps to prevent the electronics from being damaged if the Somogear PEQ-15 is dropped or otherwise subjected to impact.

Here are some of the benefits of having a potted Somogear PEQ-15:

  • Increased durability: The potted electronics are more resistant to damage from moisture, impact, and other environmental factors.
  • Improved performance: The potted electronics are less likely to be damaged by heat, which can improve their performance.
  • Longer lifespan: The potted electronics are more likely to last longer than unpotted electronics.

If you are looking for a high-quality and durable aiming device, the Somogear PEQ-15 is a great option. The potted electronics help to protect the device from damage and improve its performance. Clicking the links below will open a new window on eBay with the Somogear PEQ-15 for sale.

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